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Monday, February 5, 2018

Reversible Apron for Amorette's Lovely Knot Dress

Did you see Amorette's Lovely Knot Dress that just released? It's simply adorable!  While we were perfecting it a few weeks ago, one of our fabulous testers, Deanna Plebuch, came up with a gorgeous modification to add to the pattern if you choose.  This change isn't needed of course -- it's just super cute if you want to do something a little different! 

Isn't that pretty?!  We have several "apron" style dresses this modification could be used on. Here's Deanna with the tutorial:

You will need:
¼-1/2 yard of fabric depending on size
3-6 buttons depending on size
Interfacing is optional

Hi my name is Deanna and I have been testing patterns for CKC for over a year now. I have been sewing since I was 10 and I have a sweet little girl who is 2.5 years old! I created this hack as a way to get more uses out of this gorgeous dress and to make it more fun for my sweet girl! I hope you like it and I can’t wait to see what you all create!

Step 1: Cut the apron yoke. To get the correct size use the length that is in the pattern for the front sash. For the width, measure across the top of the bodice after you have cut the arm curve. Add ½ inch to that measurement and that will become your yoke. For example, I made the size 2T at 3" x 8.5".

Step 2: Follow the directions until you reach step 16. Instead of attaching the gathered apron to the bodice you will attach it to the apron yoke. First, fold the yoke in half long way and press. Then fold up the raw edge about ¼ inch on each long edge. 

With right sides together and ironed edges down, sew the short ends to create a long rectangle.

Turn the apron yoke right side out and press flat insuring that the bottom long edges are also folded up to create a nice clean edge. 

Step 3: Slide the apron piece between the apron yoke and pin just below your gather line. Make sure to catch both sides of the yoke and that the gathers are even. 

Step 4: Sew the apron yoke to the apron about ¼ inch from the bottom of the yoke. Topstitch the sides and top. 

Step 5: Lay your apron yoke across the front bodice like the pattern suggests and mark where to put your buttons and button holes. 

Step 6: Sew buttons to the front sash. Do not go through the bodice. 

Step 7: Make button holes on yoke piece. I did mine horizontal. Cut the inside of the button holes. 

That is it! You can continue with the rest of the pattern steps now and when you are done add the apron on with the buttons. See collage below of my final product.

Wow, it turned out so cute! A huge thank you to Deanna for this adorable modification! 

Now YOU can do the same with any of our apron dresses - especially our new Amorette's dress.  When you complete it, please come share a photo in our patterns group on Facebook. We want to see yours too!

Let's Create! ~ Kristen