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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Business Card Holder

Today is Tuesday and you know what that means!  We have a free sewing tutorial for you. 

I love business cards. They're small and contain concise info that can be extremely useful. Whether you have your own business cards to hand out or you're the customer collecting cards, these card holders can be really handy!  I try to keep my cards on me at all times and that means a little stack in my coat and jeans pocket and diaper bag and camera bag, and anywhere else I decide to stash them as I'm leaving the house. (I'm pretty sure I waste a lot of cards with this little habit.)  I LOVE the idea of keeping my business cards in a safe little cover where I can always find them. And look how cute the holders are! 

The pattern shows how to make this card holder that opens up to two pockets perfectly sized for business cards.  When you're ready to secure them, you just fold the cover closed and secure it with the attached elastic. Your cards will be safe and cozy in your purse or pocket any time you need them!

Here's where you can download the free PDF pattern to make your own Business Card Holders

We hope this tutorial is helpful to you! Feel free to share with your friends. 

Let's Create!  ~ Kristen