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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Road to Quilt Market...Blood, Sweat and, most recently, Tears

We're pinching's finally here! Quilt Market Houston 2012! It's been a hard road to get get here, quite a big undertaking for three stay at home moms, two of whom do the lion's share of all the work here! Unlike many of the exhibitors there, we don't have an entire staff to pitch in and lend a hand to accomplish the tremendous amount of work it takes to actually make it happen. Late nights of sewing samples for our booth, long days folding and bagging thousands of patterns, weekends spent designing a booth, photo shoots, correspondence, and the list goes on.

But we've made it!
Shannon and Tiffany are in Texas preparing, and I'm getting ready to fly out Friday morning with my little Abby who just turned one and isn't quite ready to leave her mama just yet. Of course, since she will be attending Quilt Market, Abby will have to be dressed in the cutest CKC patterns even though she will be spending her days in my Ergo carrier on my back and most likely her precious little outfits wont even be seen.

At midnight last night I was midway through making her an Anika's ruffle capris romper when I accidentally serged part of the body of the romper while attaching the ruffles. After a crazy day at home with the kiddos, this mistake was just enough to send me over the edge. OK, not quite, but the thought of just falling into a heap on the floor and crying did enter my mind. Is anybody with me???

Although at that moment, I felt like it was the end of the world, I knew I had to fix it somehow. I did a little brainstorming with some sewing friends and have come up with a solution that does not require redoing the whole thing. Phew, do not have time for that. So, I'm off to the craft store...and I'll be posting an update tomorrow.

Has this ever happened to you? I have to admit this is not the first time I've gotten something caught under my serger knife that did not belong there. What's the worst sewing mistake you've ever made? I'd love to see a pic and/or hear your story (misery loves company)! Shoot me an email at

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