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Thursday, July 19, 2012

I F.A.R.T.ed...Sheesh! It's not what you think!!!

Yep, I F.A.R.T.ed. and it felt so good. But before you go running in the other direction in disgust, you might want to wait until you know what this really means. In fact, I've bet you've done it yourself.

That's right: Fabric Acquisition Road Tripped.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to order this awesome tshirt from tshirtaffair on Etsy before I left (because every great road trip needs a tshirt to commemorate it!!!), but I'll be snagging one soon for next time.

Now really, am I the only one who does this? Rather than use a GPS to route myself the quickest way from here to there, I carefully plot my route according to which fabric and craft stores I want to explore that are are closest to the exits, restaurants, and bathrooms?

Where I live, we have Joann's. And it is one of the old, small stores. And that's it. OK, that's not really it. There are a couple high end quilting shops where you can pay $13.99 a yard, and after you've paid that much for a yard of fabric, it's hard to get excited about sewing with it or even thinking about cutting it!!!

So, I had to go pick up my boys from Grandma and Grandpa camp. That's in NY, and I'm in NC, so we typically meet somewhere in VA. Well, wouldn't you know, when I used my FSPS (fabric seeking positioning system) I found an exit that is almost exactly half way that had Hobby Lobby,
Joann's and Hancock's!!! I know that might not seem so exciting to you, if you happen to be lucky enough to have great stores nearby, but when you live in a fabric wasteland, this really is a big deal. So, I left a day early and spent the night so that I could spend the entire day shopping. Oh, and with only one kid with me, it felt like a vacation!!!

I wandered around each store, taking my time, taking it all in, caressing all the pretty fabrics, piling my cart high with my favorite prints and notions. Ahhh, I know that the sign says "Hobby Lobby" but it sure feels like heaven here. By the way, while I was chatting it up with the fabric lady there and asking if they carried Stretchrite thread, she told me that their private label brand Sewology actually is made by Stretchrite, but is packaged especially for them. Oh, and did I mention that everything Sewology was 50% off??? I hope she was telling the truth because I bought every last one off the shelf!!!

Have you ever taken a F.A.R.T.? If so, I'd love to hear about it!!! (so I can add all your secret locations to my FSPS for my next trip)

Happy Trails!