As you all know, we have been working with creating free patterns that can be found on their website. May's free pattern was Hannah's Pillowcase Bubble Romper.
It seems to be a huge hit! If you've been a fan of ours for awhile now you probably saw some pics of a skirted pillowcase bubble romper that we were going to come out with. Genius, right? We gladly offered up our pillowcase bubble romper pattern to though and it just didn't feel right adding a skirt and charging people for it as a new pattern. Instead, we've decided to offer the skirt addition as a Free Tutorial Tuesday for all our fans!
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Materials Needed:
- Fabric
- Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
- Ruler
- Pins
- Thread
- Optional Elastic Thread (we recommend Stretch-Rite brand--and no, they still aren't paying us for all this promoting we're doing for them ::hint, hint::)
Cut 4 (2 for each skirt)
Length x Width
12-18 mos.-2T: 7" x 27"
3T-4T: 8" x 31"
5T-6: 9" x 35"*If using a serger subtract 1" from the length of the skirts.
Step 1: Take the two pieces for the top skirt and match them up right sides of fabric together. Sew down both of the short sides. We should now have one continuous loop. Repeat with the second skirt.
Step 2: Roll hem the top and bottom of both skirts. If you don't have a serger, you will fold the fabric back 1/4" sew, and fold it back an additional 1/4" and sew. This is how you do a rolled hem with a sewing machine.
Step 3: Sew a gathering stitch 1/4" down from the top of both of the skirts. To sew a gathering stitch move your stitch length to the longest length on your machine and sew a straight stitch making sure not to backstitch at the beginning or end.
Step 5: Gather the skirts so that they are the width of the body of the romper. Pin them onto the lines we drew in Step 4, so the gathering stitches are directly on top of the lines.
Step 7: Once the skirts are sewn on, remove the gathering stitches so they are no longer visible on the skirts.
So that's it! 7 simple steps transform your regular pillowcase romper to a girly, over-the-top, skirted romper!
We hope you love this addition as much as we do! You can find the Hannah's Pillowcase Bubble Romper on! For more of our patterns, check out our website at
Happy Sewing!
Shannon and Tiffany
Shannon and Tiffany