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Thursday, February 9, 2017

CKC BOYS Can Wear Pink!

Hey, it's Kristen here from CKC BOYS and we're super excited to be a part of the Boys Can Wear Pink Season 3 Blog Tour by Handmade Boy Blog! As you know, I am a big fan of sewing cool designs for our boys of all ages.  A lot of what makes a certain style "trendy" is the choice of fabric. You can take an average design and make it look fabulous by using the right materials; likewise, you can take an exceptional design and make it look frumpy by using the wrong materials. (I think we've all seen examples of both!)  So of course colors are a big deal to me as I plan out each style set for my boys.

So can boys really wear pink?  Of course they can.  They put one leg in, and then the other.  But that's not the real question here.  I tell my kids all the time, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should."  (i.e. jumping off the roof). 

 So of course boys can wear pink. But should they? 

Sneak of today's feature outfit. Scroll down for more views!

My older brother was always my hero, a big athletic guy who nobody messed with. And guess what I remember him wearing all the time in high school... You guessed it.  Pink.  I'm pretty sure he wore more pink than I did!  And he didn't look dorky; he didn't look wimpy; he didn't look feminine; and he certainly didn't look like a girl.  

He looked like himself -- a great guy -- wearing what he wanted to wear. And that's that! 

I'm sure by now in this blog post series, you're likely to agree with me. That discussion is over. So let's get on to the awesome PINK outfits that we made for our boys using CKC BOYS patterns! 

Slate's Henley made by Lauren Steinfels for CKC BOYS
First up, we feature Slate's Woven Henley-Style Tunic in solid pink cotton. I think sometimes we may be afraid to put too much pink into our boys' outfits. Like, "maybe I can add a little here and there and nobody will notice." Um, not here! When we want to wear pink, we WEAR pink. Solids are rockin' on masculine styles! I think they take the class up a notch. This shirt design is one of our favorites too, because of the all-boy sleeve tabs and the neck design. It feels like a collar shirt but doesn't need the collar! 

What's also great is the versatility. You can pair a solid top like this either with neutral bottoms like khaki shorts or jeans for a high end look, or a patterned set of skinnies for a more edgy vibe. Either way, you can't go wrong with solids. More on that in a bit!

Logan's Blazer made by Suze Vinton for CKC BOYS
Then of course there's this look.  Mix some grays, blacks, and pinks -- oh my!   This handsome little guy is beyond dashing and nobody thinks twice about pink when he's wearing a super awesome blazer with it.  Logan's Blazer is another of our favorite designs.  It pairs with just about anything to look truly trendy and GQ all the way. 

I mean, seriously!  Every little guy needs this in his closet!  

And now on to my own little guy!  For the blog tour this week, I decided to go with the solid pink theme some more and style up a pair of awesome Ryker's Woven Skinny Pants for him:  


We're going to call this one a win!  Kiddo LOVES his outfit, and I think he looks pretty darn awesome myself. 

To replicate this style, which you are welcome (and even encouraged) to do, all you need are these pieces:

Then throw some cool sneakers on him and you're all set! 

Here are closer looks at the details on Ryker's.  They're just so cool, even in solid colors! And *especially* in pink! 

Did you catch that I used a Batman snap in place of the button? That's how to earn yourself instant cool-mom status with the 5-year-old!

I just love this kid to pieces.  And he loves his new {pink pink pink} pants so much that he continued wearing them all day long, and even to his siblings' basketball games.  That's a lot of pink-love!

I'm not sure whose idea it was originally that boys should not wear pink, but I call a NO WAY on that one.  This kid obviously can and should and will wear pink.  

Thanks for stopping by to see all our Boys Can Wear Pink creations!  I bet you're ready for the giveaway now.  Here goes!  



Prizes: (bundles excluded)

Issue of choice from One Thimble
Pattern of choice from Swoodson Says
Pattern of choice from Mummykins and Me
Pattern of choice from Handmaiden’s Cottage
$20 credit for Patterns for Pirates
$20 gift certificate to Mabel Madison


Good luck!  

Also, be sure to check out the other blogs on today's tour:

Thanks for coming!  If you like what you see here, be sure to subscribe to the blog and/or come join us in our CKC BOYS sewing group on Facebook.

Let's Create! ~ Kristen