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Thursday, June 5, 2014

YouTube Highlights: Shirring 101 and How to Tie Harlow's

Did you know that CKC has a bunch of sewing tutorials available on YouTube?  Some skills are just easier to learn when you can see them in action!  Today I'm going to feature a couple of the videos you might have missed on YouTube. I embedded them right here on the blog so go ahead and get comfy while you watch: 

First of all, we recently released Harlow's Infinity Dress and if you're not familiar with it, this is a quick-sew knit dress that can be tied hundreds of ways! All of the photos above are from the same pattern, and they can be tied differently from one day to the next.  On the following video we will show you how to tie six of the most simple, child-appropriate styles for Harlow's Infinity Dress:

Wasn't that fun? And Harlow's looks sooo comfy to wear! 

The second video I have embedded here is our Shirring 101 video that we recorded last October. We have had a lot of new fans join us since then (if you're one of them, welcome!) so we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see it!  Shirring is a great skill to have and not hard at all if you watch the video and follow the tips. Trust us! So here are Tiffany and Shannon, teaching you step-by-step what you need to do to create that perfectly shirred outfit:

Yay for shirring! We know you can do it!

That's all for today's video highlights but I hope you'll subscribe to our videos so you don't miss out on any of them! We are still in the middle of our Serging 101 series so you can be watching for more tutorials on that, and of course we recently did our tutorial on how to add KAM Snaps. You can find all of these on our YouTube Channel. If there are videos you would love to see, please let us know so we can make it happen.

Let's Create! ~ Kristen