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Monday, November 25, 2013

Not Your Ordinary Blah-g!

We have two new exciting features on our blog! We know you're going to love them. 

First up, where do you go to see sneak peeks of upcoming CKC patterns, as well as fun pictures of our kids' outfits and day-to-day projects we're working on? Do you know? 

Create Kids Couture on Instagram, of course! And now we're making it super easy for you to see what is happening with us on Instagram!  We added a live feed right here onto the blog. Take a look over on the right sidebar.  Scroll down to where it says "CKC on Instagram."  Any picture that we post on Instagram will show up right here on the blog in that slideshow. Neat! 

The second feature we added to the blog today is also really exciting - in fact you may have already noticed it. If you hover your cursor over any of the pictures on our blog posts - there it is! An easy round button that lets you pin any of our photos onto your Pinterest boards with just one click! How cool is that?!  Now we can easily share all of these great photos with our friends and save them to look at later. 

We love seeing CKC photos posted on Pinterest by our fans! Thank you! 

We hope you enjoy these new features on our blog. We would love to hear what you think!

Let's Create!  ~ Kristen